The Top 5 Star Wars Social Distancing Champions

Star Wars: The Last Jedi..Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill)..Photo: John Wilson..©2017 Lucasfilm Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Star Wars: The Last Jedi..Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill)..Photo: John Wilson..©2017 Lucasfilm Ltd. All Rights Reserved. /
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Star Wars D-0
Kotobukiya is proud to announce the addition of a new Star Wars ARTFX statue based on Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: D-O & BB-8! Just how do these two characters interact? Watch the film to figure out for yourself! From the torch that can be attached to the side panel that can be opened and closed, this statue is sure to give fans the feeling of owning their very own BB-8. The sculpt and design of both BB-8 and D-O stay true to their original design despite it being in a 1/7 scale. The base also resembles the deck of the Millennium Falcon, giving this statue realism from top to bottom.. Image Courtesy of Disney Parks /

2. D-O

When your most famous quote is “No-no-no thank you!” you have no choice but to be in the Hall of Fame of Enforced Personal Space. D-O’s strength not only lies in his actual inability to contract any type of virus, but also in his firm dedication to being an example for his organic friends.

Even when Rey, a well-intentioned savior figure, offers to show him his first real measure of intimacy since his manufacture date, our cone-headed hero remains the picture of polite refusal.

His stance on physical contact is as firm as the radius of his barrier, and no sense of Western decorum will shake that foundation.

He is strong. He is sanitary. He is D-O.

In a time when thousands, if not millions, of people imagine themselves to be incapable of virus contraction, this little droid serves as a constant reminder of the duty we all have to safeguard those more vulnerable than us.

Although one “no” will do just fine.