The Star Wars Sequels have all been theatrically released and are now available digitally or on Blu Ray. After digesting them all more than once, the question lingers, should they have been made?
The Star Wars sequel trilogy has wrapped up and been watched numerous times in its entirety by many fans. These films seem to be getting a very similar reaction to the prequels where a large group loves them, while an opposing but similarly large group, loathes them.
The films definitely have their strong suits, and also their weaker aspects. Disney paid a lot of money for the rights to George Lucas’ saga and didn’t hesitate to put these movies out in theaters. Many fans waited all of their lives to find out what happened to Luke, Leia, Han, Chewie, and Lando after Return of the Jedi and their questions were finally answered.
Here are some reasons why the films should’ve been made, and also a few why they perhaps shouldn’t have been, or at least not so quickly.