We Find Out What Happens to our Favorite Characters From the Orginal Trilogy
The sequel trilogy answers the long-standing question many of us older Star Wars fans have wondered all of our lives. What happens to the gang after Return of the Jedi?
There were books released in the mid-1990s that helped shed light on the subject. While those were well done and created one long and, for the most-part, cohesive narrative, we all wanted to see Luke, Leia, Han, Chewie, and Lando again on the big screen. We finally got our questions answered in 2015 with The Force Awakens.
Turns out, normal life hit these beloved characters. Han and Leia have marriage problems and a son that has gone astray. Luke gets beat up by life and lives in isolation, and Lando has been keeping busy as only that smooth pirate can.
While their futures were far from happily ever after, they all do get one last big moment to shine, and it was great seeing them again and seeing their stories come full circle.
Cool New Creatures
The sequels introduced us to a whole slew of interesting new alien creatures. We saw the half-machine, half-animal Luggabeasts, the adorable Porgs of Ahch-To, the crystal Vulptexes of Crait, the majestic and powerful Fathiers of Canto Bight, and the horselike Orbacks of Kef-Bir. These all were well designed and thought out beasts that fit right in with existing species in the Star Wars saga.
Want to watch The Force Awakens or The Last Jedi. Stream it on Disney+ now.