Boba Fett
Perhaps one of the greatest disappointments of the original trilogy is Boba Fett’s introduction and swift demise. It was perplexing then and it remains that way today. Heck, his underwhelming debut even inspired Captain Phasma’s wasted story (definitely not intentionally, though).
Luckily, The Clone Wars rectifies this in a big (and unbelievably satisfying) way. Interestingly,Boba isn’t given depth as much as he’s given purpose. His motivations are straightforward and hate-fueled, two perfect adjectives for this character. We get to see his drive, skill, and smarts shape him in surprising ways. We also see him team up with the likes of Aurra Sing, Castas, and Bossk. A power team to be feared and respected, for sure.
Boba adapts to his bounty hunter life incredibly quickly and repeatedly proves his competence as a leader and a warrior. He evolves from scowling little turd to frighteningly motivated go-getter quicker than we could’ve hoped. Jango would be proud.
Looks like you need to watch out, Mace Windu. Your path won’t cross with Boba’s often but when it does, you’d best stay on your toes. That botched assassination attempt was just a taste of what Boba can do.
Hopefully, we see even more of Boba moving forward.