Alistair Petrie
Allistair Petrie is a name not many would recognize. Seeing his face though, there’s probably a role or two on the small or big screen that you’ve seen him in. If you are a fan of Netflix’s Sex Education you would definitely recognize him as the principal of the school and father of troublemaker Adam, Mr. Groff.
He’s also appeared in Fox’s Deep State and such films as Hellboy, Rush, and The Bank Job. Star Wars fans definitely remember him from the first non-saga film Rogue One. In that film, he portrayed General Davits Draven. Draven was extremely influential in the plot to steal the Death Star plans an even ordered the rescue of Jyn Erso from a labor camp on Wobani.
He was seen primarily in the briefing scenes on Yavin IV and wasn’t exactly excited about using Jyn Erso after having met her. He also gave the order to Cassian Andor to kill Galen Erso on sight, figuring he was better off dead rather than being left alive to continue to serve the Empire if he was willing to or not.
This is a character we are likely to see once again in the Cassian Andor spin-off series. Hopefully, Allistair Petrie is brought back once again to play General Draven helping to keep the continuity between the film and the upcoming Disney+ series.