There are a handful of characters in Star Wars whose time on the screen was underwhelming at best. Some were helped by their appearances in shows and other forms of media after the movies.
Star Wars is loaded with amazing characters in every chapter of the saga. From heroes to evildoers, the films are filled with characters who we either root for or against. Sometimes those characters’ arcs, or just the way they are portrayed on the screen. leave a lot to be desired.
Reasons for this could be the way they are written or the way they act. They may not have met our preconceived notions about them and that left us feeling a little unsatisfied with their moments on the screen. Other times, these characters weren’t used enough and we were left wanting more.
Thankfully these characters have made appearances in other Star Wars mediums. Whether it be comics, books, or TV shows, these platforms have given these characters a second chance and often fleshed them out and in some cases made them more likable. Here are five characters who got better after their appearances in the films.