See the new concept art from The Mandalorian “Chapter 10: The Passenger.”
The Mandalorian’s “Chapter 10: The Passenger” introduced Star Wars fans to some extremely terrifying creepy-crawlies that haunted the Mandalorian, the Child and their passenger, The Frog Lady, on an escape gone wrong.
Now, if the episode wasn’t terrifying enough, Star Wars has released the concept art for this chapter of The Mandalorian. And yes, they are filled with plenty of those spidery cave creatures. But before getting into that, what’s interesting to note is that these cave creatures aren’t entirely new to the Star Wars universe. At least, they’ve been revived yet again thanks to a classic Star Wars concept for spider creatures.
According to Entertainment Weekly, these “ice spiders” are based on a design from Star Wars artist Ralph McQuarrie, in what was pitched as “knobby white spiders.” These things were originally going to be found on Dagobah as Luke trained in The Empire Strikes Back. EW has shared a concept art drawing from the original movie in its article. And as you can see there, the original design is very similar to the final version that was presented in Chapter 10 — spider eggs and all.
At the same time, the spider did get something of a second life in Star Wars Rebels via the Krykna. Now, in the concept art for “The Passenger,” you can see the original idea for these creepy crawly things in The Mandalorian. What’s most noticeable about these drawings by Christian Alzmann and Ryan Church is that some designs show the spiders with lots of red glowing eyes all over their bodies. Thank goodness that was left out. You can see all the ice spider art from Chapter 10 down below.

What do you think of these terrifying creatures? As of now, we’re two for two with episodes of The Mandalorian featuring wild, wild monsters. Would you like to see Mando take on more creatures in season 2? Let us know in the comments!