10. Rex
Despite his military background, Captain Rex knows how to have a good time. It might take him a while to loosen up and enjoy the holiday celebrations and he definitely won’t be wearing a festive sweater, but he’ll definitely come around in the end. He may judge us for not inviting his brothers, but he’ll probably forgive us.
Rex is really particular about how he eats his rations. He doesn’t like his food touching at all. So you may have to break out one of those divided Corelle (or is it Corellian) plates just for him. Who wants corn pudding getting all over their brussel sprouts?
You probably won’t find him playing Monopoly, but if you pulled out Catan or Battleship, Rex is going to be working through the best strategic moves to lead him to victory. Somehow, we think he’d even enjoy kicking back and watching sports with the rest of your family.
You are going to want to keep the drinks flowing if Rex is around. Give him a little Jawa beer and he’ll be regaling everyone with stories of heroism and bravery during the Clone Wars. He’s not big on telling stories about himself, but he’s got his fair share to tell about Ahsoka, Cody, and the rest of the 501st.
For those closest to him Rex can get an entire Clone troop to paint the helmets in their honor, but for mere acquaintances, Rex is a very practical gift-giver. You can expect socks from him. At least they’ll keep you warm if you end up on that snowy moon from the end of The Clone Wars.