2. BB-8
You didn’t think we’d invite Poe and not invite BB-8, did you? He’s basically Poe’s son! For a droid, BB-8 sure has a great sense of humor, so we are sure that he will keep everyone entertained. Plus BB-8 comes with a handy little lighter to assist in lighting the bunsen burners to keep dinner warm and the candles lit. Give Finn a call, because he can attest to the fact BB-8 can be a bit of menace with his little “shocks.”
While BB-8 won’t be much help when it comes to cleaning up, we have it on good authority that he will be a major help when it comes to slicing the ham or the roasted Kowakian monkey-lizard. You just know he has some hidden appendage that will carve that ham up like a First Order droid. While you’re prepping to have droids over as company, don’t forget to leave the oil out to keep them in tip-top condition after hours of fun.
BB-8 talked Poe into painting him red and green for the festivities. He can’t wear a festive sweater, but he can at least look the part. He also got a software upgrade just for the occasion, so expect 24/7 holiday music playing from him. BB-8 is just here to have a good time and enjoy being surrounded by friends. You may even be able to convince Poe to let you put in a few requests for what BB-8 will play at the party. BB-8? More like DJ-8.