12. Orson Krennic
Like most other Imperial officials, Orson Krennic is a bit high-strung. The only difference here is that he is not afraid to put his words and tensions into action.
We remember in Rogue One that Krennic was quick to rally the firing squad of Death Troopers against Galen Erso and his family. Additionally, he had a visceral reaction after Grand Moff Tarkin took credit for the Death Star’s creation. It implies Krennic would be uncomfortable putting more than one name on a holiday card too.
Krennic also has a way of turning good people into Imperial pawns. Galen Erso, a seemingly innocent scientist, is just one example, as he was persuaded into helping construct the galaxy’s greatest superweapon under the veil that he would be helping explore sustainable energy. Imagine what Palpatine, Thrawn and Krennic could do to your guests.