5 most heartwarming moments in Star Wars

Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, and Peter Mayhew in Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980). COURTESY OF DISNEY MEDIA DISTRIBUTION.
Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, and Peter Mayhew in Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980). COURTESY OF DISNEY MEDIA DISTRIBUTION.
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The Mandalorian chapter 10
(L-R): Peli Motto (Amy Sedaris), the Mandalorian (Pedro Pascal) and The Child in Lucasfilm’s THE MANDALORIAN, season two, exclusively on Disney+. Image courtesy Disney+

4. When Baby Yoda runs back to Mando

This is such a simple and brief moment but it is extremely heartwarming. Throughout the Mandalorian series, we see the bond between Mando and The Child grow. First Mando saves Baby Yoda from being killed by IG-11 and then slowly becomes a caretaker and father figure to the little green tyke.

By season two, we assume these two both care very deeply for each other and we get our first real visual confirmation of this at the start of Chapter 10. After the Mandalorian helps free Mos Pelgo from the krayt dragon, he makes his journey back to the Razor Crest. On the way, he’s met by some hooligans who are after The Child. They use an Ewok- like trap and pull a rope that sends Mando flying off his speeder bike.

Mando is able to land on his feet with the help of his jet pack but Baby Yoda falls into the clutches of these rapscallions. Through some careful negotiations and trickery, Mando is able to convince this turkey to give The Child back in exchange for his jetpack. One can sense how much The Child means to Mando as the desperation and worry about losing his little companion, is evident in the urgency and despair in his voice.

After the deal is made, Baby Yoda goes running as fast as his two little legs can take him and Mando quickly picks him up, pulling him close and asking if he’s okay. This is the first major sign of affection between the two, and one that warms the heart, and will continue to do so upon multiple viewings.