5. Yoda teaching the younglings
Yoda is one of the greatest characters in all of Star Wars and one of the most complex. We see just about every side of the little green fella in the films, from being deeply troubled by what is happening in the galaxy and the reemergence of the Sith to a sillier side, as he tests Luke’s patience on Dagobah and messes with Artoo.
In Attack of the Clones, we get to see Yoda in his natural environment of being a teacher. He is teaching a group of younglings when Obi-Wan comes in to ask the wise master a question. He turns Obi-Wan’s question into a lesson and even makes it humorous as he says “Lost a planet, Master Obi-Wan has.” Instead of answering the question himself, he allows a student to do it.
Seeing Yoda teach a bunch of younglings is extremely heartwarming. The joy and lightheartedness he brings while also passing on knowledge is the sign of a great teacher and one who realizes this is his calling and place in the world. We also see that he has a hand in the growth of every Jedi and now understand why every Jedi considers him their master. Yoda teaching a bunch of young children the ways of the Force was an unexpected treat and one of the best moments of this flawed second installment of the Star Wars saga.
What are some other heartwarming moments in Star Wars? Let us know in the comments.