In 2015, Star Wars welcomed a new hero to the galaxy: Rey, played by British actress Daisy Ridley. This film was a major breakthrough for Ridley, who played the Force-sensitive character for three movies: Star Wars: The Force Awakens, The Last Jedi (2017), and The Rise of Skywalker (2019).
Since those movies have come out, Ridley gained a huge following of fans who have come to love both Rey and the actress. Fans love Rey because of her determination and kick-butt nature. From the very beginning of the sequel trilogy, nothing would stop Rey from helping the Resistance as she was whisked away on the hero’s journey. She met several new friends along the way, formed a deep connection with Kylo Ren, and even met Star Wars heroes of the past, including Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa and Han Solo.
But, yes, the fans have also come to love Daisy Ridley herself — who is absolutely filled with poise and charisma. Since her hiring on Star Wars, she’s had several other movie roles. And her resume is still growing yet! She starred in 2017’s Murder on the Orient Express, an adaptation of the Agatha Christie novel. And speaking of novel adaptations, she’s also the co-star of Chaos Walking, which stars the MCU’s Tom Holland as well.
So, just how much does a Star Wars star make? How much is Ridley’s net worth now that she’s not only a movie star but a Star Wars movie star?
How much is Daisy Ridley worth?
According to the website Celebrity Net Worth, Daisy Ridely’s net worth is $9 million. As of this posting, the page was last updated in 2020, but that should still give a good, general picture of her net worth. For another frame of reference, Wealthy Gorilla posits that her net worth is $6 million as of 2021.
Still, a good $6-$9 million certainly is a lot. And the work Ridley has put into her career so far shows that she earned it.
Considering Ridley was in her early 20s when she filmed Star Wars, it shows that her career is still young. And if she still loves acting, we can expect much more from the star in the future.