13. Lando Calrissian and Lobot
Lando was Baron Administrator of Cloud City on Bespin when we first met him in The Empire Strikes Back. And Lobot, a human male with cybernetic implants covering both of his ears, serves as Lando’s aide. Their relationship goes much deeper, however. Lobot’s mind is more robot than man, but it wasn’t always this way. Years before, Lando and Lobot were best friends and partners in crime. And Lobot was fully human, using his cybernetic implants to run battlefield calculations for the Empire before joining Lando in his criminal ventures.
As equals in humanity, Lando and Lobot share a camaraderie that Star Wars fans would miss if they only saw Lobot in The Empire Strikes Back. On a job to steal something from the Emperor’s personal ship, Lobot is critically injured by an Imperial Guard. Uninjured, Lobot had control over his implants, but the injury causes the implants to take over his mind and personality, making his demeanor more robotic. Lando is devastated to lose his friend, and out of allegiance, he continues to keep Lobot by his side.