25 ways Star Wars is better than Game of Thrones

Star Wars Rey and Game of Thrones Daenerys Targaryen. Composite photo: Dork Side of the Force.
Star Wars Rey and Game of Thrones Daenerys Targaryen. Composite photo: Dork Side of the Force.
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high republic special edition cover
Photo: Star Wars: The High Republic: Light of the Jedi – Book Cover.. Image Courtesy Disney Publishing Worldwide

4. The books

There are seven main Game of Thrones books in total, and five have already been published. We’re still waiting on George R.R. Martin to finish The Winds of Winter and who knows when we’ll see A Dream of Spring to finish the Song of Ice and Fire series.

Martin did publish several guide books for Game of Thrones and at least one spinoff so far, Fire & Blood, which chronicled the history of the Targaryen family.

But there are hundreds of Star Wars books, both canon and not, featuring characters and creatures from across the galaxy far, far away and spanning millennia on the timeline.

While the Legends collection of literature was retconned in 2014 to make way for a new continuity with the sequel trilogy, fans still love many of its stories and look to its books for hints at what Star Wars creators could draw from next. The books also help fans better understand the vast timeline, from the Old and High Republic eras to the post-Empire, New Republic years.

The High Republic collection is the newest from Star Wars, chronicling events and characters’ lives hundreds of years before the events of the prequel films. Like all the other Star Wars eras, the High Republic also includes a slate of comic series and books for younger fans.

Some of the most popular pieces of literature in Star Wars are the spinoff books, including Timothy Zahn’s Thrawn trilogies, Alexander Freed’s Alphabet Squadron trilogy and pretty much anything from Claudia Gray. Gray in particular took on the monumental task of writing books from the points of view of both Padme Amidala and her daughter Leia.

Gray’s Lost Stars novel is one of the most popular spinoff books — a sweeping exploration of the cost of being born into and growing up in a galaxy at war.

From thrilling, strategy-heavy space battles and young adult adventures to romance and anti-hero adventures, there’s a Star Wars book for everyone.