In May 2018, Lucasfilm expanded the Star Wars cinematic universe with the highly anticipated Han Solo prequel film Solo: A Star Wars Story. The film introduced viewers to a young Han Solo, played by Alden Ehrenreich, in an adventure film that followed Han on an unforgettable adventure that provided insights into just how he first met his future co-pilot Chewbacca (Alden Ehrenreich) and first crossed paths with Lando Calrissian (Donald Glover).
The film — which also featured an impressive ensemble cast which included Emilia Clarke, Woody Harrelson, Phoebe Waller-Bridge and Paul Bettany — was not the most successful film at the box office leading Lucasfilm to rethink its origin story plans at the time.
However, in the years since, the film has developed a passionate following leaving many to question whether Lucasfilm might choose to revisit the idea of a sequel via Solo 2. So could the stars finally be aligning in setting the stage for Solo 2 to become a reality?
Is Solo 2 happening?
At this time, there do not appear to be any plans for a sequel to Solo: A Star Wars Story and it does not look likeSolo 2 is not happening.
While fans continue to push for Lucasfilm to revisit the franchise with a sequel film, those connected with the film have been frank in noting there are no plans for a follow-up film. As Ron Howard told CinemaBlend when asked about the chance of furthering the Solo franchise, “there’s no sequel planned.”
Solo 2 release date
At this time, Lucasfilm and Disney have not announced plans for a sequel to Solo: A Star Wars Story though there is definitely growing interest from fans. Because of this, there is no official release date for Solo 2.
Should Lucasfilm and Disney decide to proceed with a follow-up to the film, it stands to reason we’d have to wait at least a few years between the date the project is announced and when it would open in theaters.
If Lucasfilm makes an official decision sometime in 2021, we imagine we could have to wait until at least 2024 for the film to arrive given the pattern followed in the past. Solo: A Star Wars Story was first announced in 2015 and did not open until 2018, so it could be several years before we could see a return to the franchise should Lucasfilm and Disney decide to greenlight a sequel.
In the meantime, we can enjoy Solo: A Star Wars Story and every other Star Wars film on Disney Plus!