17. Shaak Ti
Shaak Ti was one of the most recognizable Jedi Masters of the Clone Wars era, not only for her striking appearance but also because of her confidence in battle and ability to command. A Togruta from the planet Shili, Shaak Ti’s influence over the Jedi High Council was felt even after her death.
Ti was a master of both ends of the emotional spectrum. While she was oftentimes calm and collected in meditation, she was also a fierce warrior and skilled duelist. The Jedi Master participated in a number of critical battles during the Clone Wars, fighting across planets from Kamino to Geonosis and beyond. As a Jedi general, she engaged squadrons of battle droids on the frontlines, fighting alongside dozens of clone troopers.
Beyond the battlefield, Shaak Ti also became entangled in the conspiracy theory surrounding the clones and their inhibitor chips that commanded them to carry out Order 66. She was one of the few Jedi Masters who uncovered this mystery. Despite her attempt to reveal the full scale of the inhibitor chips, she was unable to prevent them from being activated at the end of the war.
As Anakin Skywalker, now known as Darth Vader, ransacked the Jedi Temple under the orders of the Emperor, Shaak Ti secluded herself in meditation. Sadly, the new Dark Lord of the Sith found her and quickly dispatched her. Although Ti had been murdered, she left a message for potential survivors of the purge, and her knowledge of the Force would live on.