The top 25 most-powerful Jedi throughout the Star Wars galaxy

Ewan McGregor and Liam Neeson in Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999). Photo: Lucasfilm.
Ewan McGregor and Liam Neeson in Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999). Photo: Lucasfilm.
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LODEN GREATSTORM (via Lucasfilm)

16. Loden Greatstorm

One of the most unique Jedi Masters of the High Republic era, Loden Greatstorm was perhaps one of the greatest teachers that the Order ever had. With his mastery of the Force and its properties, Greatstorm was able to bring many Padawans under his tutelage.

The Twi’lek had incredible knowledge of the Force and was able to use it to his advantage in numerous situations. One moment seen in the novel Light of the Jedi by Charles Soule had Greatstorm saving his apprentice, Bell Zettifar, via levitation to prevent the Padawan’s certain death.

Always looking to improve the lives and skills of the Jedi around him, Loden Greatstorm was known across the Order as someone who could bring out the best in others, even in the youngest students. His recognition as an expert tutor was acknowledged by all of his peers, and despite not being on the Jedi High Council, the members of that body saw him as one of the best.

While his name may not have been the most memorable throughout the course of galactic history, Loden Greatstorm definitely left his mark on numerous apprentices. Many of his Padawans, including Bell Zettifar, would go on to participate with him in numerous skirmishes, including the Battle of Elphrona.

The Jedi Master’s ultimate fate is not yet known, although he was captured by the Nihil at one point and held prisoner. Perhaps we will find out more about his story in the near future.