14. Ezra Bridger
One of the only Padawans on this list, Ezra Bridger was naturally gifted with the Force. Born on Lothal on the exact day that the Galactic Empire was founded, Bridger eventually rose from a lowly fighter into one of the most powerful leaders of the Rebel Alliance.
Headstrong and fiery, Ezra Bridger came under the tutelage of one of the last surviving Jedi Knights, Kanan Jarrus. As a member of a small band of Rebels from the starship Ghost, Jarrus helped teach Bridger how to hone his senses and use the Force to his advantage. Soon, Ezra was assisting the Rebel group on dangerous missions across the galaxy.
However, even with his powerful connection to the Light Side, Bridger was not immune to the persuasions of darkness. At one point, he encountered the former Sith Lord Maul, who attempted to take him as his apprentice. However, with Jarrus’ help, he was able to resist the bait, and the two continued their training. Eventually, Bridger became an extremely gifted Force-sensitive and duelist with a lightsaber.
While he never technically advanced beyond the rank of Padawan, Ezra Bridger became one of the most influential Jedi throughout the Rebellion and the galaxy at large. While he disappeared into hyperspace during an attempt to stop Grand Admiral Thrawn, most people believed that Ezra would one day return and help to bring further balance to the Force. This inspired the rest of the Ghost crew, including Ahsoka Tano, to embark on a mission to find him.