11. Kit Fisto
Ever the optimist, Jedi Master Kit Fisto helped negotiate one of the major alliances of the Clone Wars, commanded his own clone trooper battalion, and led on the frontlines of battle. From the first skirmish all the way to the beginning of the Empire, Fisto made an impact in numerous key events of the war.
A Nautlolan from the planet Glee Anslem, the amphibious Kit Fisto was adapted to many environments, just like others of his kind. This allowed him to fight in many different climates that other Jedi were not able to traverse. Soon, he was made a member of the Jedi High Council, and participated in many talks about the outcome of the war.
His most shining moment came during the campaign on Mon Cala when he was able to convince the planet’s two native species, the Mon Calamari and the Quarren, to put aside their differences and fight as one unit against the Separatists. This marked one of the major defeats for the Confederacy during the Clone Wars, and was seen by some as a turning point in the fighting.
Sadly, although Kit Fisto was one of the most powerful fighters on the Jedi High Council, he was no match for the Dark Side. As the end of the war came about and Palpatine’s true intentions were revealed, Fisto journeyed with a group of Jedi Masters to arrest him. Unfortunately, the Sith Lord proved to be an overwhelmingly gifted duelist. Although Fisto was able to hold out for a few moments, Palpatine swiftly ended the Jedi’s life.