2. Wampa
Another creature from the original series that elicits wonder was the Wampa. Rocking a height of 3 meters/9 feet, these ice-dwelling, carnivorous beings dwell on Hoth. Evoking the look of the yeti of folklore, this force of nature will hide among the snow and pounce on its prey with sharp teeth and claws.
First introduced in Empire Strikes Back, this furred mammal played a pretty important role in the film. That was rumored to explain the cuts on star Mark Hamill’s face after he was in a car accident. Though that’s never confirmed, it’s definitely a solid reason for including it in the film. We actually end up seeing two of them in the film: one that captured Luke and the other one being held at Echo Base.
The creature’s main source of food was the tauntaun. Unlucky for them, all 15 species of tauntaun are incredibly fast and can usually outrun their powerful claws. Sorry snowmen of the mountains, you’re going to really have to work for your dinner.
One thing to learn about wampas is that they have a care for their clans. In fact, I would be so bold as to say that they are pretty sentient. I mean, they were intelligent enough to sneak into Echo Base at midnight only to be trapped in various hallways — but still! The fact that they’ve established clans is absolutely fascinating to me. Can you imagine a bunch of wampas holding court? Actually, now that it’s out there, I would really love to see it.
Still, this creature made an impression on all Star Wars fans and may or may not have traumatized many children with its appearance. Just make sure to keep them all away from Luke Skywalker. He has a thing for being maimed.