In 2019, The Mandalorian gave the universe a gift the internet began referring to as Baby Yoda. While this and many other new elements were introduced to Star Wars through the hit Disney+ series, the show also brought a few familiar Star Wars TV artifacts into live-action for the first time.
The darksaber originated in animation and appeared again at the very end of The Mandalorian Season 1. Soon after, a key former holder of the saber, Bo-Katan Kryze, also found her way into the live-action universe. Ahsoka Tano came close behind, and not long after that, it was announced the character would get her own Disney+ live-action series. Ever since, rumors of Sabine Wren appearing in this series have continued to surge.
Sabine’s expected appearance in the Ahsoka series means we will see her interact with Ahsoka presumably in most of the show’s episodes. But Ahsoka’s search for Grand Admiral Thrawn – and Ezra Bridger – could also lead both her and Sabine back to Bo-Katan … and where Bo-Katan is, as far as we know, Din Djarin may not be far behind.
Will Sabine and Din ever meet? The likelihood of the two interacting seems to grow the more we learn about the live-action Star Wars Disney+ universe. If there is in fact a major crossover event at some point between Ahsoka and The Mandalorian – and any other live-action Star Wars series that may be running on Disney+ at the time – it’s possible that Sabine and Din could cross paths. If Ahsoka or Bo-Katan call on both Mandalorians to help them in some way, their destinies could intertwine much easier than you think.
Both of them being Mandalorian and both having wielded the darksaber makes their converging paths even more likely. If Bo-Katan can’t or won’t teach Din how to use the saber and everything that comes along with it, perhaps Sabine would volunteer.
Sabine’s journey with the darksaber was one of the most defining arcs of her character in Star Wars: Rebels. If anything can bring her face-to-face with a fellow Mandalorian struggling to define his true purpose in the galaxy, it’s the darksaber.
Maybe, at long last, someone desiring to use the blade for the right reasons will actually be able to hold onto it for good this time.
Star Wars: Ahsoka is expected to drop on Disney+ sometime in 2023.