9. Omega
The Bad Batch revealed that Boba Fett wasn’t the only unaltered clone of Jango Fett. Omega, a female clone of Jango, quickly became a fan favorite, and there’s plenty about her that is intriguing. The most obvious and currently unexplored aspect about her, however, is that she is the sister of Boba Fett. As clones, they share the same father and the same DNA.
What does Omega know of Boba, and what does Boba know of Omega? How would they feel about each other if they did know about each other? With bounty hunter Fennec Shand appearing in The Bad Batch in pursuit of Omega, there’s already a clear connection between The Bad Batch and The Book of Boba Fett since Shand is Boba’s loyal companion. The Book of Boba Fett is rumored to explore some of Fett’s past through flashbacks, so it would be a good opportunity to have Boba and Omega meet for the first time.
Perhaps the show could reveal some of what Omega’s been up to in the years since the Empire’s rise, though any significant reveals will probably be saved for future episodes of The Bad Batch. Still, it would be fun to see some allusion to Omega in The Book of Boba Fett.