In The Book of Boba Fett, The Mandalorian taking commercial transport is the way

The Mandalorian Chapter 11 - Disney Plus
The Mandalorian Chapter 11 - Disney Plus

The Book of Boba Fett episode 5 inspires all of those feelings associated with taking flight on a passenger plane. That’s right, not only do we get the return of our favorite Din Djarin, we see the Mandalorian in the most “regular person” form as he boards a plane.

For anyone who has flown a plane, you know the struggles associated with the pains of luggage. Whether it’s having the weight sensor tell you your bag is overweight compared to your home scale (that should work just as well, right?), or you’ve watched someone struggle and fail to fit their carry-on bag into the designated “must fit here to be a carry-on” slot, nothing has seemed more personable than watching the Mandalorian struggle in this way.

After a barrage sequence of events that had “Mando” take on a couple of heavy fights, there’s apparently only one way for the Mandalorian to get around: “Tickets, please.” The humor associated with his inability to board a passenger plane, because he’s fully armed, is comical. Throw in his line, “I’m a Mandalorian; weapons are part of my religion,” and it’s even better to still see him refused access to the ship. He begrudgingly empties his armor of all its weapons into a storage bin, including the Darksaber, and then it gets locked as he walks up the ramp.

Because this moment feels so relatable, I was expecting the worst as soon as he emptied everything. Who didn’t have this foreboding sense of doom as each gun, wire, and blade gets placed into that bin? Who didn’t think he was going to ultimately hear a phrase that we all know we’ve heard in our own lives, or at least from someone we know?

“Sir, I’m afraid your luggage has been…misplaced.” I was wondering if this would be the moment the Darksaber gets lost and he then must regain it to keep honor to all of Mandalore. He would have to deal with another thing lost or stolen, much like what happened in The Mandalorian season 2 where he had to keep tabs on Grogu until we all saw the epic ending in the finale.

Fortunately, that did not happen and we got to see some sincere moments on the ship. A young child waves to him from the seat in front, while he holds onto a gift for Grogu. Being on a plane can give a person a lot of time to think, so seeing the Mandalorian focus his thoughts on “Baby Yoda” is important to who he is as a character. Seeing him be even more likable was something I was not prepared for in the fifth episode of The Book of Boba Fett.

This episode is all about the Mandalorian and it’s a great reminder to how phenomenal his series is, while helping to connect the dots along his travels since departing Boba Fett and Fennec Shand. After admiring our hero during all of the boarding procedures, on and off the ship, we will get to shift gears to see what happens when he’s reunited as “muscle” for Fett and Shand. Now, the only other thing to imagine is what flying aboard a commercial plane might sound like, from a passenger’s perspective.

Welcome, to the trans-galaxy flight to Tatooine, where all of your worries fade away when we enter hyperdrive. Not only do we respect all of our customers from all walks of life, we make sure that safety is our number-one priority.

As a promise to you, all passengers are prohibited from carrying any weapons on board, and any passenger who refuses to check their weaponry is prevented from taking flight with you. That’s our promise to you. We will keep you safe and make sure anyone who doesn’t follow the rules gets placed on an immediate shuttle to the nearest detention center.

From all of us at “Are You Sure That Bag Will Fit,” thank you for flying with us today.

Oh, make sure your seatbelts are fastened and all of your items are stowed during lift off. Also, no droids were hurt in the making of this announcement as we treat all of our droids humanely.

Thank you again for flying today.

What do you think of seeing the Mandalorian go through boarding procedures? Are you glad he found a replacement ship or would you prefer to see him board a commercial flight again? Share your thoughts in the comments below!