We’re less than a month from the release of the latest entry into the Lego Star Wars series, and the promotion is truly starting to ramp up.
In anticipation of the latest entry, Warner Bros. Games have released a “behind the scenes” short, titled “Building the Galaxy”, which really details just what we’re in for when The Skywalker Saga finally releases.
Across the video, we’re treated to a few morsels of new information, regarding the features that exist within the game. First and foremost, the linear nature of the classic titles has been done away for a more open experience. This isn’t necessarily a surprise, given the direction Lego titles have shifted in recent years. But those hoping for a faithful recreation of their childhood memories should be aware that we’re looking at more of a planet-hopping experience than a trip through the old cantinas.
Something that’s exceptionally cool, in my mind at least, is what TT Games have done with the environments, especially the weather effects. As you progress through a level, your character’s clothes and weapons will begin to pick up dirt, or sand, or snow. While it’s difficult to really feel “immersed” playing a Lego game, it’s a small touch that will no doubt add to the overall experience as a while.
The little details
Speaking of the experience, it appears there has been no expense spared in terms of maximising the number of things players can do. The Lego games have been known for packing in plenty of collectables and challenges to complete within each level, but The Skywalker Saga appears to be taking things to a whole new level. Teased are missions set in space, secret challenges “wherever you go”, and even quest lines spanning multiple planets. What that equates to is, content-wise, quite possibly the biggest and most expansive game TT Games has ever put out.

On top of the main game, the side missions, and the dearth of collectibles, you have an expansive roster of characters to play as. We already know that the game boasts around 400 playable characters, which doesn’t include the characters obtainable through the 7 DLC packs recently announced. Most importantly, however, is that we WILL get to play as Yaddle. And, really, isn’t that all we want?
With only a few weeks to go before the release, we’ll no doubt receive more information about the blockbuster (get it? “Block” buster? I’m funny. I’m funny.). Stay tuned to Dork Side for more information as it hits!
Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga releases on April 5th 2022 for Nintendo Switch, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series consoles, and PC.