Warning: Spoilers for Obi-Wan Kenobi Part III ahead.
As we hit the halfway point in the series, Obi-Wan Kenobi delivers a tension-filled episode that brings us the return of an iconic villain and the moment we have all been waiting for.
Picking up from where we left off in the second episode, we are immediately greeted by more haunting flashes of Vader exiting his bacta tank. This culminates in the fully armored reveal of the character and this moment truly gave me chills. Seeing Vader in live-action for the first time since Revenge of the Sith is truly a moment to behold. And he quickly makes it very clear to Reva that he is in control.
Something that really strikes me as interesting is this power dynamic between the Inquisitors. They all want to be the one in charge and this is a nice parallel to the Sith dynamic between master and apprentice. Except here it’s multiple people vying for one spot.
Fifth Brother and Reva will undoubtedly clash at some point and we’ve already seen their contempt for one another. It makes us see why the Sith were reduced to two, they always want more power and to be the one with all of it. Fortress Inquisitorious also makes its live-action debut, first being seen in Jedi: Fallen Order. I always love little connections like this so seeing it on screen was a really cool moment for me.

Obi-Wan and Leia bond even more in this episode, particularly in the truck scene. I love how Obi-Wan just can’t help but be reminded of Padme through her. Their dynamic is also becoming a treat to watch. Leia’s constant “on the move” attitude, giving Obi-Wan no choice but to follow along, and their banter with the stormtroopers when they almost catch them are hilarious. But it’s the moment where she questions if Obi-Wan knew her mother and then when she asks if he is her real father that truly deepens their bond. She’s grown to care for him to the point where she almost seems to want him to be her father.
Obi-Wan also seems quite surprised when he learns about The Paths system, helping force sensitives to escape the Empire. From the start, Obi-Wan doesn’t trust anyone and finds it hard to believe there are still good people who will help. Freck (Zach Braff) only proves his point by complying with the Empire to the point where he believes they are good and just.
But he is proven wrong by Tala (Indira Varma) who rescues him and Leia. He sees that good people are still out there and after a quick reference to Quinlan Vos, it’s time for him and Leia to escape.
But all of that is halted by the arrival of the Inquisitors and finally, Darth Vader. Both Obi-Wan and Vader can sense each other leading to a high tension moment where he gets closer and closer to their hiding spot. Of course, Obi-Wan sends Leia and Tala ahead and stays behind. This leads to the moment we have all been waiting for. And while I was on the edge of my seat the entire time I still found myself wanting more.
They do in fact cross blades, but Obi-Wan is still rusty and stands no chance against his former apprentice. Vader causes a fire to start and throws Obi-Wan into it, making him feel the same pain of being burned alive that he did back on Mustafar. It’s the brief dues between the two of them that is the highlight of the episode but it wasn’t much of a fight. Obi-Wan keeps running away and they barely speak to one another. If not for the intervention of Tala, Obi-Wan certainly would have been taken, prisoner.
But I suspect the two of them will cross blades again at some point in the final three episodes and hopefully that fight will be far more satisfying. The burning flames reflected in Vaders mask create a chilling image, making two episodes now that end with Vader being just terrifying. Of course, it’s not quite the end as Reva captures Leia but it’s close enough.
The third episode of Obi-Wan Kenobi definitely delivers after last week’s two-episode premiere, leaving fans to wonder just how he will be able to save Leia, what sort of impact fighting his old apprentice has had on him, and if he will be able to do it again.
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