Warning! Spoilers ahead for the fifth episode of Obi-Wan Kenobi, “Part V.”
Perhaps the most anticipated Star Wars series yet has arrived on Disney Plus. Ewan McGregor has made his triumphant return to the franchise in Obi-Wan Kenobi, a limited series exploring the period in Obi-Wan’s life between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope.
“Part V” saw Darth Vader (James Earl Jones and Hayden Christiansen) close in on Obi-Wan, Leia (Vivien Lyra Blair), and the refugees of the Path as they made a plan to flee, all while Vader and Ben used their shared history against each other.

Reva remembers
It’s been clear from the beginning that Reva is more than she appears. Her hunger for power seems to go beyond the typical politics of other Empire bureaucrats, and this week’s episode revealed the truth behind her unending quest to get close to Vader.
In a gripping moment on the brink of her invasion, Obi-Wan realized she must have been there at Order 66 as a youngling. Reva confirmed this heartbreaking truth, that Anakin’s slaughter of her fellow younglings has led her, as Obi-Wan observed, to hunt Anakin, not to serve him.
Obi-Wan finally convinces Reva to work with him and turn against Vader once and for all, leading to an incredible fight sequence between the Inquisitor and Sith lord that leaves Reva in mortal danger.

Master and Padawan
“Part V” begins with a flashback set in the Attack of the Clones era of Obi-Wan and Anakin training (providing further payoff for Christiansen’s return). The episode returns to the flashbacks multiple times as Obi-Wan trains Anakin and reinforces that Anakin’s win to need is his weakness.
With Vader and Obi-Wan both reflecting on this particular training moment throughout the episode, they both seem to find nuggets they can use against each other. For Obi-Wan, he knows Anakin’s singular focus on him is a blindspot, while that exact rage is what ruthlessly drives Anakin.
Back to Tatooine
The episode closes with Reva finding Obi-Wan’s comlink and listening to Bale’s warning about Luke (Grant Feely). With nowhere left to turn, it’s unclear where Reva’s allegiance now lies, but it’s clear the finale will take us back to Tatooine and a young Luke Skywalker, where it all began.
Obi-Wan Kenobi is available to stream on Disney Plus.
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