Obi-Wan Kenobi has just wrapped up it’s explosive six episodes which has left all of us fans buzzing and clambering for more. There have been rumors of a season 2 and Ewan McGregor himself has said that he wants to continue to play the character again so here is why we need another season.
When we last see Obi-Wan he is riding off toward the mountains of Tatooine after having spoken to his former master Qui-Gon Jinn for the first time in decades. Qui-Gon tells him that “We have a ways to go.” This is leaving the fans with many questions still to be answered because, last anybody knew was that his training was incomplete which was why Qui-Gon was only a force voice.

If we get a Season 2 they could possibly give us Obi-Wan training with Qui-Gon and finding out how he came to be a force ghost and give us all backstory into this mythical path into the force. The first season was merely a week in Obi-Wan’s life and we still have 10 years to go before we reach A New Hope. Showing how Obi-Wan came to ascend into the force could continue to give us backstory into one of the most influential Jedi to live.
In addition to his journey to this ascension they have plenty more to work with as well. In season 1 a focus was on how there were still Jedi on the run and into hiding. This thread could allow Obi-Wan to help out his fellow Jedi here and there assisting them who may be on the run. In season 1 he leaves another Jedi Nari to die at the hands of the inquisitors. Having reconnected from the force rather than run from it a season 2 could showcase Obi-Wan on the flipside helping and embracing the force once more.
Of course who are we kidding? We would all still watch him sit in a cave and meditate for six more seasons.
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