The age-old trope of “if you didn’t see a character explicitly die on-screen then they didn’t die” has made its way to the Star Wars universe. Fan-favorites such as Boba Fett, Darth Maul, Emperor Palpatine, Reva, and more have shown us that death is but an illusion in this galaxy far far away. Which begs the question: Does Star Wars have an issue killing characters?
In a recent interview, Hayden Christensen was asked by MTV News what he thought about the fate of Mace Windu who was thrown out of a window by the Emperor himself to which he responded ” If Sam Jackson wants it to be true, I wouldn’t want to disagree with that.”
Now we all know the baddest man on the planet Samuel L. Jackson has gone on record stating he thinks Mace is really alive somewhere out there.
We’ve of course seen that on screen death or not that revenge does wonders for the will to live. However, would bringing Mace Windu back be healthy for the franchise? If everybody who was killed continues to come back then it appears to cheapen deaths of beloved characters. Not only that but, then why isn’t someone like Qui-Gon still running around somewhere? Bringing someone such as Mace Windu back would be fun there is no doubt about that but, at what cost would that return come at?

Now in a world with lightsabers and force users it isn’t out of the realm of possibility that characters could survive such things. We have seen beings cut in two, thrown down a a dark abyss, stabbed in the stomach, and eaten by creatures return. And like Hayden said ” If Sam Jackson wants it to be true.”
There are thousands of planets and billions of life forms all across this beloved galaxy built by George Lucas. Perhaps it is time we begin to showcase new and fresh characters rather than relying on those we already know to swoop in after decades to save the day. So i ask again, does Star Wars have an issue killing it’s characters?
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