We were warned by Andor’s creator not to get too attached to any of the characters, which means there’s a good chance that we will be saying goodbye to at least one Cassian’s new companions during their mission at the Alhdani garrison.
Here is a ranking of how likely each member is to survive:

1. Vel Sartha
Vel does not seem like the kind of character who would be killed off so quickly. There is much more to discover about who she is and how she became a leader. Further, there are scenes in the Andor trailer featuring Val that we have not seen. There are no guarantees she will make it though this season, but the mission on Aldhani is likely not the place she will die.
2. Cinta Kaz
After hints of a romance with Vel, no one is ready for Alhdani to be Cinta’s last mission. While we don’t know Cinta very well, Episode 5 emphasized strength and survival instincts. She will need both to make it through the next episode.
3. Taramyn Barcona
Taramyn’s character has not been well developed, so his chances of survival are not yet known. As one of the leaders of the mission, he is obviously intelligent, which could help him to stay alive, but his commitment to the cause may lead him to make the ultimate sacrifice for the team.
4. Aravel Skeen

Episode 5 showed us several layers to this mistrustful ruffian with a tragic backstory. His hatred for the Empire and passion for their mission may well end with his death. Hopefully, we will get the chance to learn more about his past and how it connects to Cassian before that happens. Skeen seems pretty resourceful and observant, so he has the chance to make it out of this alive.
5. Gorn

Gorn is taking a lot of risk through his rebellion as a current member of the Imperial Army. If any of the actions from the team can be traced back to him, he will be in danger from his own colleagues, hated for his betrayal. The other members of the team are no strangers to taking chances, but Gorn is the only one who’s identity is well known by the Empire at this point, leaving him more exposed to their wrath.
6. Karis Nemik

As a lovable “true believer”, Nemik has all the hallmarks of a character who is killed off to help motivate the main character to fight for a meaningful cause. Unfortunately for all of us, this sweet character may not make it through the coming battle. Though his death is by no means assured, he seems to be the most likely candidate to meet his end in Episode 6.