Tales of the Jedi: Episode 3 review

(L-R): Count Dooku and Mace Windu from "STAR WARS: TALES OF THE JEDI", season 1 exclusively on Disney+. © 2022 Lucasfilm Ltd. & ™. All Rights Reserved.
(L-R): Count Dooku and Mace Windu from "STAR WARS: TALES OF THE JEDI", season 1 exclusively on Disney+. © 2022 Lucasfilm Ltd. & ™. All Rights Reserved. /

Warning: Spoilers for Episode 3 of Tales of the Jedi Ahead

The third episode of the Tales of the Jedi mini-series continues the story of Dooku’s descent into the dark side. A decent amount of time has passed since the previous episode. Where his face was once cleanly shaven a beard has now formed, one that is very reminiscent of the one he has in The Clone Wars. This time instead of teaming up with his padawan, Dooku is working alongside Jedi Mace Windu.

This is yet another episode that highlights the corruptness within the senate and the Republic. It has a lot of similarities with the previous episode and continues to highlight Dooku’s struggle with the rules of the Jedi Order. Unlike the previous episode, however, Mace speaks out much more than Qui-Gon and is almost the complete opposite of Dooku in regard to the rules. I loved watching these two play off of one another. And of course, it was an absolute delight to see Mace Windu again in Star Wars animation. It takes me right back to the days of The Clone Wars.

Dooku’s determination to see things through his way manages to lead him and Mace to uncover the truth about their fellow Jedi’s death but it results in Dooku being passed over in favor of Mace for a seat on the council. It has a very similar feeling to when Anakin is denied his own seat years later in Revenge of the Sith. In fact, there are a lot of parallels between Anakin and Dooku. Both of them want to maintain justice and what is right in the galaxy. Both of them aren’t afraid to use what other Jedi would consider dark side methods to do that. They both get results but at what ultimate cost?

While I enjoyed this episode, it really felt very similar to the previous one. But that is not a bad thing. These past two episodes have served a very clear purpose in showing us Dooku’s steady fall and the execution of that is done really well. Watching this show has made me realize just how much I miss Star Wars animation and I can’t wait to watch the final three episodes

All six episodes of Tales of the Jedi are streaming now only on Disney+.