When does Tales of the Jedi take place in the Star Wars timeline?

Tales of the Jedi. Image courtesy StarWars.com
Tales of the Jedi. Image courtesy StarWars.com /

Did you know the six episodes of Tales of the Jedi are told in chronological order?

While this places the handful of episodes in a sensible order, it doesn’t necessarily explain when each episode takes place in the Star Wars timeline. Here’s a breakdown of where each episode falls in the larger chronology of Star Wars.

  • Episode 1: “Life and Death” takes place about 13 years before Star Wars: The Clone Wars, beginning with Ahsoka’s birth and concluding about a year later.
  • Episode 2: “Justice” likely takes place not long after the first episode, when Qui-Gon is still Dooku’s padawan and his master is beginning to lean away from the philosophies of the Jedi Order.
  • Episode 3: “Choices” takes place near the end of Dooku’s time as a member of the Jedi Order several years later.
  • Episode 4: “The Sith Lord” takes place during the events The Phantom Menace when Dooku has been away from the Jedi Order for some time. It’s after Qui-Gon’s death, before the end of the film, that Yaddle confronts Dooku, who still wields a blue lightsaber.
  • Episode 5: “Practice Makes Perfect” takes place during Star Wars: The Clone Wars, between Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith.
  • Episode 6: “Resolve” takes place about a year after the events of Revenge of the Sith and the final episode of Star Wars: The Clone Wars.

For more context about Dooku’s story and how it fits into the timeline, the audio drama Dooku: Jedi Lost by Cavan Scott goes into more detail about the events that lead up to his decision to leave the Order. If you don’t want to listen to the audio performance, there is also a physical hardbound script book you can read.

All episodes of Tales of the Jedi are available to stream exclusively on Disney+.

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