Andor season 1, episode 9 recap: Nobody leaves
By Meg Dowell
WARNING: The following contains SPOILERS for Andor Season 1, Episode 8.
Dedra wants to know what Bix knows, and she has a particularly vile way of getting exactly what she wants.
Though last episode left Bix in the makeshift torture chamber, this week the true nature of her suffering was revealed. When Bix won’t offer up any information about Cassian or Luthen on her own, Dedra hands things over to the torture administrator, who explains their methods for forcing information out of those they suspect.
Back at the prison, something doesn’t seem right. Cassian and his team continue their labor as usual, though Ulaf seems to be struggling to keep up. After hours, Cassian tries to get his supervisor (not Snoke) to open up to him, to no avail.
Rumors start circulating that an entire level of the prison has been “eliminated.” Cassian points out that the more they pretend not to know, the more likely they are to find out what the Empire is really up to.
Mon Mothma’s apartment welcomes yet another guest — none other than Vel, Mon’s “cousin” who is staying the night to relay information before returning to Chandrilla to lay low for a while after the heist.
Karn reveals to his mother that he’s been promoted, but that he doesn’t like her going through his “private” things. Soon after, he confronts Dedra, who accuses him of stalking her and warns him not to approach her again. His motives seem much worse than we imagined. Silly us.
Chaos ensues in the prison. Everyone is on edge, and Not-Snoke is having a hard time maintaining order. In the midst of it all, Ulaf nearly collapses. They’re able to get him out of the room, but he’s unresponsive.
The medic they bring up, diagnosing Ulaf with a massive stroke, says there is no way to save him and gives him a lethal injection right there in the hallway.
With Ulaf gone, Cassian begs the medic to explain what really happened on Level 2. That’s when we all learn the truth: No prisoner’s sentence has an end date.
No one is ever getting out of that prison.
Not without a fight.
New episodes of Andor drop Wednesdays exclusively on Disney+.
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