WARNING: This article contains spoilers from Star Wars: The Bad Batch season 2 episode 5 “Entombed”
For those looking forward to the release of the new Indiana Jones adventure, this newest episode of Star Wars: The Bad Batch fully introduced us to the confident “Liberator” Phee Genoa played by Wanda Sykes. While she may not be quite as traitorous as Hondo Ohnaka Phee Sykes’s portal of the pirate is slightly humorous and very optimistic, for a pirate. The latest episode may not tell us any more details about Commander Cody or the Empire’s expansions but it does seem to be a worthy adventure.

The Treasure of Skara Nal
In the most recent episode, we see the team reduced to savaging the scrap yards for parts when the young Omega finds an ancient compass. While it may have not led the team to an ancient Jedi Temple or even the Star Forge, this episode proves Phee Genoa’s fantastic storytelling right about an ancient civilization that predates the Jedi. Fans of the Expanded Universe and the Knights of the Old Republic Games may have been wishing for Dave Filoni to introduce another bit of legends content back into the universe but this episode looks to introduce an entirely new bit of lore into the Star Wars universe.
This new bit of lore includes the Kaldar Trinary system, where this mysterious treasure of Skara Nal can be found. So far both the Kaldar Trinary system and Skara Nal have very little written about them, without even a Wookiepedia article to their name. Who knows if this civilization will become important to the Bad Batch or if it will remain just a graveyard for an unnamed civilization.

So, Phee Genoa was telling the truth?
For all the whimsical and frankly untrustworthy stories told by Phee Genoa, this one seems to be almost entirely true. The Heart of the Mountain does control the droid that seemed to have razed the planet, and while they were unable to retrieve the treasure the Bad Batch was able to stop such a destructive force from falling into the hands of anyone else. It simply seems to have been the will of the Force that that planet destroying evil was given its final resting place. Nevertheless, it is nice that Skara Nal provided an opportunity for more talent like Wanda Sykes to the Star Wars universe.
Final Thoughts
While the episode certainly possessed crucial world-building elements that told a new story of yet another Star Wars secret, it does seem to have a minor impact on the overall narrative of the Bad Batch. perhaps we as fans should not be so quick to demand that every episode answer our long-asked questions about the fate of the Clone and transformation of the Republic, but “Entombed” is the second of two episodes that are self-contained. While they are certainly well-made, and lovely short stories set in our favorite universe, they do leave this author wishing for a bit more.
Star Wars: The Bad Batch is now streaming exclusively on Disney+. Be sure to check out all of our series coverage, including episode recaps, reviews, and more.