Why we re-watch Star Wars, even though there’s plenty to discover
By Meg Dowell
We’ve all been there. You’ve just watched a new episode of Star Wars TV on a Wednesday, and you have some free time in the evening. Everyone has been telling you that you need to finally sit down and watch Star Wars Rebels — you’ve been meaning to get to it, you swear!
And tonight would be the perfect night to start it … except you’re feeling the urge to watch something else.
Something you’ve already seen before. Many, many times.
That’s right. It’s time to watch Revenge of the Sith again for literally the hundredth time. You’ve seen it before. You might even be able to recite the entire thing by heart, line by line. You could play the entire movie in your head without even having to turn it on.
You press play, leaving Rebels cold and unwatched … again. But why? Why return to a movie or show you’ve seen dozens of times instead of jumping to something new?
For many, Star Wars isn’t just escapism; it’s comfort. Many fans have seen certain movies or show as many times as they have not even necessarily because it’s their favorite Star War, but largely because it’s their “comfort watch.” They know it backwards and forwards. There are no surprises. Everything happens in the exact order it should. It ends the exact same way every single time.
Sure, there’s a lot of Star Wars to watch, and even the most dedicated fans still probably haven’t seen it all. But it’s hard to pass up an opportunity to revisit the Star Wars stories that make you feel whole, that remind you why you love the universe so much. It’s essential to return to your favorites if only to remember what made you fall in love with Star Wars in the first place.
You’ll get to Rebels … eventually. Maybe one day, it will become your comfort watch, too.
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