The Mandalorian: Was Jon Favreau inspired by Marvel?

The Mandalorian (Pedro Pascal) and the Child in THE MANDALORIAN, season two. © 2020 Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM. All Rights Reserved.
The Mandalorian (Pedro Pascal) and the Child in THE MANDALORIAN, season two. © 2020 Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM. All Rights Reserved.

The Mandalorian season 3 is nearly upon us! The hit Star Wars Disney Plus series that tells of the dangers and adventures of Mandalorian Din Djarin and Force-sensitive Grogu, will be returning March 1.

In the meantime, Jon Favreau has been talking about the new season, even going as far as revealing an interesting fact or two. While visiting Madrid, Spain he revealed in a Q&A how Marvel helped inspire him to reunite Din Djarin and Boba Fett.

If we recall, there were several episodes in both The Mandalorian and The Book of Boba Fett that had the two bounty hunters working together. After watching and witnessing how Marvel fans interact and share their passions for the MCU, Favreau explained, “I felt like I had the liberty to not spend all the time with those two characters apart in The Mandalorian and spend that time in The Book of Boba Fett as chapters that were as a novel where there were chapters that dealt with different characters.”

What did Jon Favreau reveal about The Mandalorian season 3?

Favreau also revealed a little spoiler about the upcoming season, stating that “we’re also gonna have some recaps that we put together for people who are maybe more casual viewers who wanna be brought up to speed after two years and remind them where the characters were.” Which truth be told; this isn’t a bad idea.

As the Star Wars Universe expands into the live action television shows on Disney Plus, it may become harder for viewers to remember specifics. It couldn’t hurt to briefly remind audiences what happened, with who, and when, so that everything becomes less complicated.

This is a tactic Marvel themselves have used as the MCU continues to grow. But how do you feel about Favreau’s plans?

Which characters do you want to see return for the new season of The Mandalorian?

What are your expectations for The Mandalorian season 3? Share them in the comments below, we’d love to read them!