24 Star Wars characters only true fans will remember

A crafty, vicious Dug, Sebulba became one of the Outer Rim's most successful Podracers. Photo: StarWars.com.
A crafty, vicious Dug, Sebulba became one of the Outer Rim's most successful Podracers. Photo: StarWars.com.
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12. Elan Sel’Sabagno

Speaking of death sticks, we also have Elan Sel’Sabagno from Star Wars: Attack of the Clones, who is arguably the one character that all Star Wars fans think of whenever death sticks are mentioned in canon or fandom. The male Balosar was played by Matt Doran and while he only appears briefly in the film, the character has become one of the most beloved minor characters from the Prequel era. Like all other Balosars, Elan has antennapalps, rather than ears. Though some action figures erroneously depicted him with both, due to the antennapalps being added in post-production.

Elan appears in Courscant in the underworld scene of the Outlander Club, where he attempts to sell death sticks to Obi-Wan Kenobi. In turn, Kenobi uses a Jedi mind trick to convince the death stick seller to go home and rethink his life. Does he go home and rethink his choices? Star Wars fans never do learn that answer, but it’s safe to say he probably did. Jedi mind tricks are no joke. Some people believe he and his family appear in an issue of Star Wars Adventures, though the cameo is blink-and-you-miss-it.

Elan Sel’Sabagno has also appeared in several Star Wars: Legends properties including Jango Fett: Bounty Hunter, The Life and Legend of Obi-Wan Kenobi, Boba Fett: Pursuit, and Evasive Action: Recruitment.