The long-awaited arrival of season 3 of the Disney+ series The Mandalorian has finally arrived! Fans have been waiting years for this moment and if you have seen the episode have seen something referenced in the first episode. (Spoilers ahead)The purge of Mandalore is mentioned after Din comes swooping in to save the day and is told he is no longer a Mandalorian due to the removal of his helmet to which he responds he can earn the right back. The Armorer explains that everything was lost in “The Purge.” So, what exactly is the purge?
The purge is also known as “The Seige of Mandalore” which took place after the Galactic Empire took over and began to bombard the planet that was home to Mandalorians. After the planet was freed of Maul by Ashoka and her clone troopers the Emperor ordered that the planet be occupied. Left in charge of the planet was Kryze who was earlier appointed as a regent by the Jedi. When he decided to obey the Imperial occupation Gar Saxon was put in charge in his place. In Star Wars Rebels it is shown that a student by the name of Sabine Wren created a super weapon that targets beskar named the Arc Pulse Generator and as a result, the Empire turned it against the Mandalorians.

Sabine destroyed the weapon and escaped the planet and upon her return, she claimed to be the owner of the Dark Saber. Wren and her crew destroyed the Arc Pulse and freed the planet. However, seeing that it was a lost cause for them The Empire launched ” the great purge.” This effort led to the near extinction of the Mandalorian people as bombers destroyed anything and everything in what we now know as “Night of a Thousand Tears.” during the purge the Mines of Mandalore were destroyed which mines were referenced by Din in the latest episode. Moff Gideon also participated in the purge and that is how he came into ownership of the dark saber himself. Will we see the night in this season as we are set to return to the planet? Let us know below.