WARNING: This article contains spoilers from Star Wars: The Bad Batch season 2 episode 14, “Tipping Point .”
As the series continues toward the finale, we finally get some confirmation about what Echo and Rex have been up to while they have been away from the Bad Batch. It seems like the small group of clones has been using some hit-and-run tactics to free clone prisoners from Gozanti cruisers in a scene that seems very familiar to that of Star Wars: Rebels. As the name clearly points out, it is time to decide between staying safe on Pabu to protect Omega or risking it all for the currently unknown quantity that is Crosshair.

Echo, Rex, and Gregor: The first rebels
The episode started out with a scene that could have simply switched characters and been on Star Wars: Rebels but in a way that stayed true to the clones. We also got the answer to Gregor’s whereabouts after his brief appearance in season one of Star Wars: The Bad Batch. Of the clones that will eventually join the Rebellion, we still haven’t seen commander Wolffe but he is sure to turn up. Hopefully, we will also get to see what happened to Commander Cody as well, as it would make sense that he is working with Rex to try and save other clones.

When looking at the bigger picture, fans probably ought to be worried about Senator Chuci’s support for the clones. She is ominously missing from the later works, and as far as we know never formally joins the rebellion. It is likely that her support for the clones will cut her tenure short as Senator but it is gratifying to see someone fighting for clones consistently. It appears as if Senator Chuchi is the primary funding for the clones at the moment, but as Andor demonstrated that can only go so far.
Crosshair’s loyalties reassessed
After Crosshair’s assassination of his commanding officer that allowed Mayday to die, it was clear that he no longer supported the Empire. But no longer supporting the empire is a long way away from actively being tortured for information for a group that you were hunting down not that long ago. Nevertheless, Crosshair is taking some of the most brutal interrogation scenes we have seen in Star Wars, against a villain who is diabolical enough to create a toxin that only he is immune to. In this role, Dr. Hemlock is an excellent juxtaposition to the cold detachment of Crosshair.

It seems that not only is Crosshair willing to take immeasurable pain for the Bad Batch, he was willing to warn them about “Plan 88” even though he knew that he couldn’t escape. While the Bad Batch is understandably wary, it seems as if Crosshiar is back on the light path, the only question is whether will he survive long enough to rejoin his squad.
Final Thoughts
This episode was excellent crafted with a load of easter eggs and plot progression with a solid pace that kept readers engaged. From the return of both Gregor and Howzer, as well as a few new clones from various units that we hadn’t seen in quite some time, this episode answered quite a few background questions people were likely to have. Beyond answering questions it gives one of the primary villains a salvation arc, all while introducing one of the most disturbing villains that we have seen so far. While some of the episodes in the middle of season two may have been slow, the last half of season two has been ramping up with a storyline that is fantastic in almost every way.
Star Wars: The Bad Batch is now streaming exclusively on Disney+. Be sure to check out all of our series coverage, including episode recaps, reviews, and more.