This is your spoiler warning for The Bad Batch episode 14: “Tipping Point.”
Episode 14 of The Bad Batch, “Tipping Point,” gave fans an answer to whether they should be worried about the former member of Clone Force 99. Short answer: We are all worried! After Crosshair’s unusual resignation letter – in the form of blaster firing snobby Lieutenant Nolan to death – he was sent to a secretive Empire facility where awful experiments are taking place.
The Advanced Science Division is run by Dr. Royce Hemlock (voiced by Jimmi Simpson) and Crosshair’s cooperation comes down to scientist Emerie Karr (voiced by Keisha Castle-Hughes). Anyone working for the Empire should be scrutinized, but could there be a potential out for Crosshair moving forward?
Who is Emerie Karr in “Tipping Point” from The Bad Batch?
After her first appearance in “Metamorphosis,” the scientist has been seen attached to Hemlock and whatever plans he has in place for those he experiments on. In The Bad Batch “Tipping Point,” she is comfortable with taking extreme measures to interrogate those being brought to the facility. Whether we call these characters patients, prisoners, tortured or some combination of these things, Karr has a vital role in what happens.
Crosshair needed to recover from his time on “The Outpost” and she plays some part in that recuperation, even if it’s for future questioning. She asks how he is feeling before Hemlock comments on how quickly he’s recovered. He even commends Crosshair on his initiative in killing Nolan. This concern from Karr, while Hemlock shows an interest in Crosshair makes viewers wonder what’s happening and if there are mixed feelings about the “medical care” being conducted.
Crosshair breaks free from his restraints, killing several troopers watching over him, but only stuns Karr. She goes as far as to tell him there’s no escape but does reference something that might become viable in a future episode.
"“You cannot make it out of this facility. Not in your condition.”"
Although she tells him “hounds” will catch him if he does make it outside, there seems to be some implication that she believes he could make it if he weren’t still recovering or being put through such strenuous torture. On top of that, the creative team did an excellent job highlighting the subtle concerns of this scientist. Perhaps she doesn’t condone killing subjects for the sake of finding information, but simple glances tell viewers all they need to know.

Will Karr help to save Crosshair (or a failed rescue attempt)?
After Hemlock tells her to increase the torture levels, there’s a moment where she looks down. Whether she knows Crosshair might die and that’s a step too far in this twisted experimental plot, it’s a potential out for him. In the Star Wars galaxy, allies always seem too far and wide to dismiss any possibility of hope.
The scientist has already indicated her access card will not get them outside, but perhaps her welfare will be enough to aid Crosshair. The fact that Imperial officers are willing to kill themselves to avoid capture tells viewers that fear (or misguided loyalty) is at the forefront of these decisions. If Karr does fear for herself or enough for Crosshair’s life, she might be willing to put her life on the line to do what’s right.
This is especially important if Clone Force attempts a rescue or gets captured during the process. It is a leap to believe a glance is something more than just a glance, but Emerie Karr might be the secret weapon the Bad Batch needs to stay alive.
What do you think of her actions in “Tipping Point?” Is it possible she will help Crosshair and the others during a rescue attempt? Is a glance just a glance? Share your thoughts in the comments below!
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