I gave myself a slightly later start, today. Having spent all day yesterday in the centre, and not having lucked out in the Ahsoka panel, I decided to skip the early morning queue and take have some time away from the hustle and bustle. There’s a breakfast sandwich chain I’ve been obsessed with for a few years that has a few stores in London, so I walked up to Shoreditch and enjoyed “The Fairfax” from Eggslut. Not an ad. Very nice sandwich.
Still, I managed to get into the centre early enough. 11.10-ish, and joined the Forbidden Planet queue. Queues have been the theme of the weekend, and this one did not disappoint. 45 minutes later, and I’m still not on, checking my watch repeatedly, concerned that I may have to bail to guarantee a spot in the High Republic panel. Fortunately for me, I was in by 12pm. Unfortunately for me (my wallet, specifically), there were a handful of early releases (Path of Vengeance, Balance of the Force trade paperback) that tugged at my heart. There was also an 8ish inch Grogu plushie that I fell in love with, but didn’t pick up for some reason. I kind of regret not, because it’s exactly the sort of thing that will 100% sell out, but I’ll try and get back in tomorrow if they have it.
I had one location proper today; the Galaxy Stage. Something I noted yesterday was the sign that made it clear the Galaxy Stage would not be cleared after each panel. That meant from 1pm til 6.30pm, for three panels, I didn’t have to go anywhere. Bliss. Leg one: The High Republic.
Like I said yesterday, I’ve fallen off the THR train a little during this phase. It took me far too long to get through Path of Deceit, and I’ve not yet picked up Convergence, but I adored Phase One, and Phase Three is only months away, so I wanted to see if we’d get a glimpse of that. And a glimpse we got. Every single title of every single adult, young adult, and middle-grade novel for phase three was announced. Comics, mangas, Alyssa Wong! A cavalcade of content announcements to whet the appetite. And, when the end was nearing, something special.
“Ok, is the livestream off?” are five words that always result in something worthwhile. Just for us in the audience Leslye Headland appears to discuss The Acolyte which, as we know, is set within the High Republic-era. The trailer looks every bit as good as it did yesterday, but it feels more special knowing every single person in that room is infatuated with the project. And then, and exclusive; out steps cast member Rebecca Henderson to announce that she will be playing Vernestra Rwoh. Pandemonium in the audience.
I loved that, and carried that good feel through to leg two: an early screening of Young Jedi Adventures. Now, listen, I’m not 5 years old. Nor do I have a 5-year-old. I’m very much not the target audience. However. A High Republic series, with a new droid (RJ-83 is amazing), and a new weird little Jedi guy for everyone to obsess over (Nubs nation is strong)? I’m willing to give up an hour of my time to entertain it, knowing that I won’t miss the third leg of the evening.
Is it good? If i were 5-7, it would be my favourite show, I’m certain. It’s lovely, colourful, and fun. It exists for me of 25 years ago, and I don’t hate that I saw the first two episodes. I can’t imagine I’ll watch it every week ala Mando or Bad Batch, but I can fully see a scenario when I binge it while bored or something. So, I guess yeah, it is kind of good?
The Clone Wars panel was the main event, however, and it was lovely. Dave Filoni regaling us with how he refused to believe the initial call from Lucasfilm was actually Lucasfilm, the core cast getting together and talking about their time getting into the show, it was just lovely. Didn’t like how I was reminded of the fact it’s been 15 years since the film etc was released, but I’m really glad I was in the room for it. The announcement of Tales of the Jedi 2 was a lovely treat, but I was honestly ready for bed. Which didn’t come.
I’d stupidly bought a ticket to a D23 showing of Return of the Jedi in Covent Gardens for that night, and the rush from the ExCel to the hotel and then to the cinema was something else. The room was packed, everyone was excited, and it was nice to see Ashley Eckstein, fresh from the Clone Wars panel, on hand to present the film. Of which I have little to say, ROTJ is ROTJ, and the bigger screen made it a better viewing experience.
I got back at the hotel for about 11.30, and am typing these words at about 12.45. I think tomorrow is my busiest day in terms of panels I need to queue for, so I’m ending this here and getting some much-needed shut-eye!