There are all sort of different projects that come up but only as far as a discussion goes; sometimes, certain movie and other project ideas just never come to fruition. Recently, director James Mangold talked about her originally had a Boba Fett spin-off movie in the works. According to him, it would’ve been Star Wars’ first ever R-rated movie, should Disney have allowed it to happen.
Why did the lates R-rated Boba Fett spin-off get cancelled? Here’s James Mangold.

During some recent press that was done for Indiana Jones 5, James Mangold was asked about said cancelled Boba Fett project. Long before his work on Dawn of The Jedi was even in development, this Boba Fett film was already being talked about pretty heavily. He was then asked which script that his wanna be film resembled more of, The Mandalorian or The Book of Boba Fett and here was his exact response to said question(s):
"“Well at the point I was doing it…I was probably making much more of a borderline rated-R…single-planet Spaghetti Western…the world would never be able to embrace Baby Yoda if I had made that, because it didn’t really belong in the world I was envisioning.”"
Even though this movie idea fell-through, we are nothing but grateful that Star Wars and Lucasfilm still wanted to work with Mangold on other projects about the Jedi’s origins!
When it comes to The Book of Boba Fett many people did enjoy the series; however, some felt that it was being just a bit overshadowed by the likes of The Mandalorian because both characters had to find their different way(s) to fit into each of the series. Mangold truly does believe that his R-rated movie would’ve better than both shows combined because it would’ve allowed more concentration and better storylines on Boba Fett himself. However, I’m so glad that this project fell through because imagine a world without Baby Yoda…what a terrible world to live in, right?!
Whatever the case may be we’re just super excited to still have James Mangold on the team and truly do hope that he stays with the team until the end of time!
That’s a wrap on James Mangold’s R-rated Boba Fett spin-off movie! What were YOUR thoughts?