As we all know, there are tons and tons of different Star Wars-themed LEGO sets to choose from for your next building adventure. Recently, LEGO announced that they’d be coming out with a brand new 2,319-Brick set this fall. The next character to build is…Chewbacca!
Before we get into the guts of it all, you can actually already pre-order this LEGO set directly on their website right over here!
LEGO is set to release their brand new super large and in charge Chewbacca set this fall. Their planned release date is on September 1, 2023, to be exact. While you can pre-order it through the above link, some people may still choose to wait until the actual release day to watch the store shelves getting stocked with them, only to watch the sets disappear as fans get their hands on them on Chewie at a time.
Although Chewie is pretty big coming in hot at 2,319 bricks to build, it still comes with another mini figure to build as well just to pass the time in case you get a little frustrated building the big guy. The actual set will take you quite a long time to build, but it’ll be so worth it in the end!
How much will the LEGO Chewbacca set cost?
Over on the LEGO website, it’s retailing for $199.99, so right around $200 bucks after tax. To me, that doesn’t seem like anything out of the norm as all of these huge LEGO sets can be set at some pretty hefty prices. Once you’re done building, you’ll be super happy and satisfied, and can money buy happiness and satisfaction? I think not!
That’s a wrap on LEGO releasing their brand new humongous Chewbacca building set!
Will you be building this brand new Chewie set? If not, which one will you build instead? Let’s chat about all things LEGOS, Star Wars, and so much more down below in the comments! As always…….May The Force Be With You ALL!!