An upcoming Star Wars book, Crimson Climb — written by E.K. Johnston and published by Disney Books — offers fans more insight into the inner workings of the Crimson Dawn crime syndicate through the eyes of Qi’ra. But when does it take place in the larger Star Wars timeline?
We first met Qi’ra in Solo: A Star Wars Story and its companion young novel Most Wanted (Rae Carson), which chronicled her and Han’s lives with the White Worms prior to the events of the film. E.K. Johnston draws from both Carson’s novel and Mur Lafferty’s Solo novelization to craft a coming-of-age Star Wars story unlike any other.
Crimson Climb actually picks up during the Solo movie timeline, right when Han and Qi’ra are separated in the spaceport and the latter is dragged away.
The beginning chapters of the novel detail what happens to Qi’ra in the immediate aftermath of her attempted escape from Corellia.
The rest of the book spans about a year and a half forward, so not quite reaching the point where Han and Qi’ra meet again in Solo. Her story entails the tribulations and struggles she goes through as she is indoctrinated into Crimson Dawn, how she ends up there, and what she has to do to get to the place we reunite with her later on in the Solo movie.
So for those wanting hard numbers here, the book begins in 13 BBY and extends into 12 BBY.
For those wanting to learn more about Qi’ra’s life outside of Solo, the War of the Bounty Hunters Marvel comic event, as well as several subsequent miniseries by Charles Soule, heavily feature the character and what she’s up to.
Star Wars: Crimson Climb by E.K. Johnston releases on October 10, 2023, and is available for pre-order now. It is one of three Star Wars books releasing today.
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