New Star Wars comics this week: The High Republic reigns supreme

Photo: Star Wars: The High Republic - Logo.. Image Courtesy Disney Publishing Worldwide
Photo: Star Wars: The High Republic - Logo.. Image Courtesy Disney Publishing Worldwide

It’s an extremely busy week for Star Wars comics fans. It’s an even better week for fans of The High Republic, who get not one but two comic issues set in the era today.

But before we dive into The High Republic, there’s a third series with a new issue out today. Here’s everything you need to know.

Darth Vader (2020) 40

Written by Greg Pak, illustrated by Raffaele Ienco and Federico Blee, and published by Marvel Comics. the 40th issue of the current Darth Vader run is a tie-in issue to the ongoing Dark Droids Marvel comics event. Previous issues of this comic and others have tied into the larger series over the last few months, so you might want to revisit those before diving into this one. No surprise — Darth Vader is in it, and Coruscant might be doomed.

The High Republic (2023) 1

The High Republic Phase III is upon us, which means a new run of Marvel’s The High Republic main comic series. Written by Cavan Scott, illustrated by Ario Anindito, Jim Towe, Mark Morales, and Jim Campbell, and published by Marvel Comics, The High Republic (2023) 1 takes place a year after the fall of Starlight Beacon and features Keeve Trennis as she attempts to lead an assault against the invading Nihil. What could possibly go wrong?

The High Republic: Shadows of Starlight 2

Written by Charles Soule, illustrated by Marika Cresta and Guru-eFX, and published by Marvel Comics, The High Republic: Shadows of Starlight 2 is the second installment in the ongoing Shadows of Starlight miniseries. The story takes place in the year between Phase I and Phase III and follows Avar Kriss and Elzar Mann as they encounter something dangerous called the Stormwall.

These comic issues are available today wherever you get your Star Wars comics. You can usually find new Star Wars comics at your local shops or online if you want your new issues as soon as they become available each week.

As always, check back here for more info and updates on the latest releases in Star Wars comics, books, TV shows, and more.

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