Emily Swallow talks The Armorer’s future in The Mandalorian

The Armorer (Emily Swallow) in Lucasfilm's THE MANDALORIAN, season three, exclusively on Disney+. ©2023 Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM. All Rights Reserved.
The Armorer (Emily Swallow) in Lucasfilm's THE MANDALORIAN, season three, exclusively on Disney+. ©2023 Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM. All Rights Reserved.

Season 3 of The Mandalorian was completely focused on the retaking of Mandalore, and it saw the return of The Armorer, played by Emily Swallow. She recently discussed her future on the series in an exclusive interview with The Direct and shared what questions she hopes the series will answer.

It’s pretty much confirmed that The Mandalorian will return for a fourth season as Jon Favreau has finished writing the script. Season 3 ended with the Mandalorians returning to their home world, and Bo-Katan Kryze becoming their leader with The Armorer’s blessings. However, Din Djarin and Grogu left the planet and settled down on Nevarro, where Din will continue Grogu’s training as a Mandalorian apprentice.

Swallow was asked whether The Armorer will return in Season 4 and had this to say:

"“I honestly don’t know. I really hope so, but I have no specifics about what direction this next season is going off into."

She also explained that she loves that Season 3 went against expectations by having Bo-Katan and The Armorer working together for their people instead of butting heads due to their different ideologies. Swallow also wants to see whether the harmony between the Mandalorians will last or whether it will be a short-lived truce. Above all, Swallow wants The Armorer to continue playing an important role in the series and to be someone Din Djarin continues to have close ties with.

While the actress has no confirmation of whether she’ll make a return for Season 4, she does have certain hopes for the character’s future on the show, including a deeper dive into her relationship with Din Djarin, as she’s curious to know if The Armorer knew the Mandalorian who trained Din Djarin.

"I would love to know more of her history because I’m curious to know what connection she had to Din Djarin before everything that we’ve seen. Who did she know who maybe trained him? I am curious about that.”"

As for Grogu, the actress says that she’s intrigued by the fact that The Armorer chose to protect him despite the fact that he’s been trained as a Jedi.

"“I’m curious to see what continues to happen with her and Grogu. I think, because, going back to when she first met him, she had reason, practically speaking, to want to kind of get rid of him because traditionally the Jedi have been threats to the Mandalorians and she chose not to do that. She chose the directive to protect the foundlings above that, so I feel like there’s such a deep connection between the two of them."

Whether The Armroer’s connection with Din and Grogu will be explored and how The Armorer’s story will shape up going forward remains a mystery. Everything depends on whether or not The Armorer will be seen again in Season 4. Regardless, Swallow remains completely invested in the role and hopes that she’ll have much more to do in the show’s future. She even wonders if it’s a possibility that The Armorer will have her own Mandalorian apprentice. There’s no denying that she sounds like as much a fan of the series as the rest of us and hopes that the writing will allow for a deeper dive into the history of The Armorer, Din, and Grogu.

While Season 3 lacked some of that depth in terms of character development for Din Djarin and The Armorer and didn’t delve into her past, the potential is still there. The actress and her fans can hope that it’ll all come to fruition in future seasons of the show.

The Mandalorian is streaming on Disney+.