Star Wars — and Star Wars comics and books in particular — have a history of subtly sneaking real people into fictional stories set in a galaxy far, far away. These nods are often so easy to miss that if they were never pointed out, most probably wouldn’t notice. In The High Republic, several writers have actually been inserted into stories before writing their own High Republic narratives (Alyssa Wong, for example).
Writer Daniel José Older is keeping the tradition alive with the publication of Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures (2023) 1, in which he based Master Tani Briwill after his wife, Brittany N. Williams.
And of course thank you to my fine ass wife @BrittanyActs the Muse of Muses aka Master Tani Briwill
— Daniel José Older (@djolder) December 7, 2023
Everyone who has a hand in creating Star Wars media works exceptionally hard, and the work couldn’t be done without support systems. What better way to say “thank you for supporting me” than to put your supporter in a Star War? Now that’s love right there.
Fun fact: Williams is also a Star Wars author! She wrote a short story in From a Certain Point of View: The Empire Strikes Back, “Faith in an Old Friend.”
The High Republic Adventures (2023) is bound to be, well, quite an adventure. With Phase III of The High Republic officially underway, fans have no idea what they’re getting into (or how all of this will end). Unfortunately, this all will come to an end … in 2025, or so they say. But that just means there’s plenty more High Republic to enjoy before Charles Soule’s grand finale.
Stay tuned for our review of the first issue of the Dark Horse series, coming soon!
Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures (2023) 1 is available now wherever you get your Star Wars comics, with more issues expected in the coming months.
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