Mon Mothma has been a staple in the larger Star Wars story ever since her first on-screen appearance in 1983's Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi. Though her role in the film was quite small, her character has expanded significantly in the decades since her debut in a galaxy far, far away.
Thus far in Star Wars canon, more of her story has been expanded in TV shows like Star Wars Rebels and Andor, as well as in books. Next week, her character will feature prominently in a new book, Star Wars Reign of the Empire: The Mask of Fear by Alexander Freed.
The Mask of Fear is the first book in a new trilogy chronicling the rise of the Galactic Empire and the opposing forces attempting to rise up to slowly dismantle it. In Freed's story, which begins in the weeks following the events of Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith, Mon Mothma struggles with the aftermath of the Empire's takeover and how to move on from the worst of its immediate consequences.
In a recent interview with Temple of Geek, Freed was asked about having written the character previously and returning to her in writing this book. The author said he has "a deep love for Mon Mothma. I find her a fascinating character, and she’s worked her way into quite a few of my stories. So I was enormously excited to give her center stage."
Mon Mothma also appeared in the novelization for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, which Freed also penned. The book features a brief mention of her relationship with her husband, Perrin, and a memorable speech about Jyn Erso that doesn't appear in the movie.
Freed also wrote the short story "Contingency Plan" which appeared in the multi-author anthology From a Certain Point of View. The story focuses on the Battle of Yavin from the point of view of Mon Mothma.
We're lucky that an author so fascinated by a character gets to write a book so largely focused on her after all these years.
Star Wars Reign of the Empire: The Mask of Fear by Alexander Freed releases on February 25, 2025 wherever you get your Star Wars books.