Ashley Eckstein addresses Ahsoka's role in the Mortis arc of The Clone Wars

The original Ahsoka Tano actor had some thoughts.

2025 FAN EXPO New Orleans
2025 FAN EXPO New Orleans | Erika Goldring/GettyImages

The true meaning of the "Mortis arc" from Star Wars: The Clone Wars has been among the top Star Wars fan debates for years now. If Anakin is the Son and Ahsoka is the Daughter, does that make Obi-Wan Kenobi the Father? What does that mean -- and, hi Dave Filoni, are we supposed to be taking all this literally or no? Was it all a dream? Hello??

We don't have an official answer for what all this truly represents, and that's likely by design. But original Ahsoka Tano actor Ashley Eckstein recently weighed in on the debate at MEGACon 2025, speaking about what she thinks the arc means for her character.

"This is just my personal opinion, so don't get me in trouble with Dave Filoni," she said, "but I think Ahsoka in many ways represents the light side of the Force as well."

In these three episodes -- spoilers for a fourteen-year-old-arc -- The Daughter is said to represent the light side of the Force, while her brother stands for the dark side. But The Daughter ends up sacrificing herself at the end so that Ahsoka can live, and fans have speculated ever since that this might mean the spirit of The Daughter in some way has lived on in her after that.

These fan theories have been further fueled by the recurring presence of Morai, who tends to coincidentally appear whenever Ahsoka is near after the Mortis arc ends. She acts as a spiritual representation of The Daughter, almost as if she's watching over Ahsoka wherever she goes.

But does Ahsoka herself represent the light side of the Force? It's pretty clear that, at the very least, Ahsoka managed to take everything good from her Jedi training and continues to embody everything the Jedi were always meant to represent. Not power or control, but instead the ongoing desire to help others, stand up against oppression, and willingness to go to great lengths -- even life-threatening ones -- to make the galaxy better.

So in some ways, Ahsoka is the light side of the Force in the sense that she understands that the dark side can lead to corruption, harm, and destruction -- which is one of the reasons she ended up leaving the Order behind. When many Jedi lost sight of the things that mattered most, she never did. And the galaxy was much better off for it.