Star Wars: Tales of the Empire is an anthology series that follows up the first season of Tales of the Jedi. Like the previous season, it focuses on two characters in a series of shorts to showcase parts of their lives that have yet to be on screen.
The two characters at the center of this season are Morgan Elsbeth and Barriss Offee. Diana Lee Inosanto reprises her role of Morgan from The Mandalorian and Ahsoka with Meredith Salenger making a very triumphant return years later as Barriss. Other confirmed characters are Grand Admiral Thrawn (who is only an Admiral in the trailer), once again voiced by Lars Mikkelsen, as well as the Grand Inquisitor from Star Wars Rebels, with Jason Isaacs picking up the mantle again. The trailer also showcased other Inquisitor from various Star Wars media as well as Wing Tao Chao’s governor character from the Season 2 episode of The Mandalorian, “The Jedi.”
The anthology series will have six shorts, three each for both Barriss and Morgan.
Below is how you can watch Tales of the Empire. You can also check out the trailer below.
How to watch Star Wars: Tales of the Empire
Here’s how you can watch Star Wars: Tales of the Empire:
Air Date: Saturday May 4, 2024
Time: 12:00 a.m. PT / 3:00 a.m. ET
Season: 2 (following up Season 1’s Tales of the Jedi)
This season is made up of 6 shorts for an anthology with 3 episodes for each character.
Streaming Service: Disney+. To subscribe to Disney+, you can do a $7.99 monthly basic plan or a premium plan for $13.99 monthly or $139.99 yearly.
Make sure to check out Dork Side of the Force after each episode for recaps, reviews, explainer pieces, and more for everything you’ll need for Star Wars: Tales of the Empire.